Teen Topics





Tobacco comes in many forms and is a very wide selling industry here in the United States. The part of the Tobacco that makes it addicting , or habit forming, is the nicotine in it.


The effects of the nicotine in the Tobacco include rapid breathing and heartbeat and a significant increase in blood pressure. 

Short Term Effects

~ increased risk of illness

~ blemished skin

~ greater risk of injury and slower healing time

~ bad breath

~ reduced athletic ability and performance

Long term Effects

~ many types of cancer including but not limited to lung, throat, stomach and bladder cancer

~ greatly increased risk of heart disease

~ Emphysema

~ stroke

Drugs in this category:

 Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Snuff, and Smokeless Tobacco

Street names:

 Smokes, Cigs, Butts, Chew, Dip, Snuff, and Spit Tobacco

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