Teen Topics


Club Drugs


 Number of Admissions for drug use in Emergency rooms. Blue is Rohypnol, Yellow is GHB, Black is Ketamine, and Green is MDMA. 

General Information

These drugs have no taste, smell, or color. Rohypnol, which is also known as the "date rape drug", is ten times stronger than valium and it would not be noticed if slipped into a drink. THis and other drugs in this category make the victim unable to resist assault  or remember what happened during an assault. These drugs can kill especially when combined with other depressants such as alcohol.


The use of club drugs can cause confusion, amnesia, liver and kidney damage, loss of consciousness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headache, decreased blood pressure, visual disturbances, impaired breathing, coma, and possible death. This is because club drugs affect the nervous system.

Drugs in this Category:

MDMA, GHB, Rohypnol, Ketamine, Methamphetamine, and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)

Street Names:

Roofies, Special K, G, Ecstasy, XTC, Meth, Crystal, Speed, and Acid

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