Teen Topics


Technology Today

Kids today are incredibly technology-savvy. This is great especially with the convienience of the internet which gives us quick and easy access to all kinds of information. This is all fun and games until it comes to people who want to use the internet for their own evil purposes. This includes hacking accounts, posting mean things while pretending to be someone else, distributing embarassing pictures and messages, and making harmful websites and blogs. Kids are incredibly good at doing these things however children tend to be somewhat near sighted and don't really think about how what they're doing may effect others. Suicides and kids killing other kids has been known to result in extreme cases of technology abuse.


STOP Cyberbullying  This website is a fantastic source of information for children of all ages and for parents and teachers as well. This site can give you many great tips on what Cyberbullying is and isn't and what parents, teachers, and teens can do about it.

Cyberbullying Research This site has a wealth of research and studies pertaining to cyberbullying and cyber safety.

Stop Cyberbullying Before it Starts This is a useful PDF aimed mostly at parents to teach them how to keep their kids safe.

Wired Safety  This website is to help you if you are being cyberbullied.

Sexting Information for Parents This is another great tool to help parents figure out what sexting is and how to prevent their children from doing it.

Connect Safely This website has something for everyone with lots of valuable information and links.