Teen Topics




This is a picture of Ice, a smokable form of a Methamphetamine.

General Information

 Stimulants temporarily improve physical and mental performance.


Stimulants speed up the activity in the brain and spinal cord. This causes the heart to beat faster and less blood to get to the heart. This causes feelings of exhilaration and people who use stimulants are more anxious and talkative. The use of too much of any stimulant can cause death from heart failure. Simulants can cause chronic nervousness, excitability, and paranoia in the user. The paranoid state of mental health may be irreversible even after the drugs are no longer used. Crack causes a physical dependency, or need, in the user. Crack also damges the lungs and can lead to severe respitory problems. The repeated use of Cocaine can cause damage to the membranes in the nose. Click below on the pictures to see the affects of different Stimulant abuse.

Drugs in this Category

Caffeine, Crack, Cocaine, and Methamphetamines

Street Names

Speed, Ice, Crank, and Crystal Meth

Note: Caffeine can be found in soda, tea, coffee, and many other drinks. Those small quantities of Caffeine will not kill or harm you as described above. Only the use of large doses can cause the above effects.

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